地藏菩萨有三部经,我一直在诵的是地藏菩萨本愿经 。非常殊胜。我学佛不是从听佛音开始,是从诵经,因为有事相求。每天诵,天天坚持。五十部经下来,性格就该了。不那么爱生气了。就这点儿改变?改变多了,不是一句两句说的完的。而且这点儿改变就够说明问题了。俗话说江山易改,本性难移。在佛教里,境由心生。心境改了,处境也会莫名其妙的改变。可您拿起地藏经来,洋洋洒洒十三章,都是古文,真能开这个头不容易。第一次我花了三个半小时才读完。诵经有佛力加持,事半功倍。有心者看看怎样读地藏经
学佛还可以通过熏习的办法,就是多读多看佛教文章讲座。文章讲座都讲佛理,很容易接受。现在所有佛学资讯都在网上,打开youtube.com,查净空法师,或baidu.com,查地藏经。可以到净宗学会在世界各地的分处拿资料和录像,台湾, USA, Australia.
In this article I have to refer to Chinese websites from time to time. If you can't read Chinese to explore more resources, I would be glad to help.
This is the home page of the music site (Chinese)
And then one of the page you can start with is (一心念佛)
So how to start the practice? In Buddhism, we say there are 84000 darma doors, and there are doors more suitable for different people. It depends on affinity. I stepped into the pure land (净土) by chance, one of the 显宗 branch. I recommend friends to start listening to Buddhism chanting music, but I didn't start like this. I started by reading 地藏经 ,and I was able to read continuously everyday, and was able to observe how my life is changed. However, not everybody could have this kind of experience to establish faith.
How to build faith in Buddhism? start from reading buddhism articles and videos. I have watched many videos from 净空法师 in Taiwan, USA, Australia. Youtube has a lot of video if you can't make a trip to the branch to get DVD, search for 净空法师 on youtube.
Where to find articles? Just search in www.baidu.com. say 佛教 新生儿, 佛教 婚姻,...
No matter what you do, pay attention to how your heart is changed over time. By theory your heart and life changes together, but it is easier to watch your heart. When I was reading 地藏经,things happened so quick that I have to say there are magic in sutra that will remove your bad Karma(业) faster than you can notice. If you want to start by reading 地藏经。 baidu 地藏经 to find more resources。
How to read 地藏经
When 龙应台 asked master about learning buddhism, the answer from the master is that it is easier for engineers and scientists to learn Buddhism, than writers and artists, and the reason is that engineers have a habit of lab experiment, and believe in things that works. So the best way to build faith is to experiment more and more and see the result in THIS LIFE before any logical argument, since this is beyond the understanding of human mind. We are limited and must understand that there are things we don't know, and we just have to believe, like little kids who have to believe whatever parents are telling them. You will see, and join all the people like 李娜,陈晓旭.. not to say many HongKong movie stars who are 居士。
Thursday, October 21, 2010
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